The figures of Midéegaadi exist throughout time maintaining a pledge of accountability to the land and waters that have sustained the Buffalo Nation and in turn the human beings.
It is my intention that Midéegaadi will open dialog around how Indigenous peoples of The Great Plains regard the bison. For us, the buffalo are an emblem of survival and cultural adaptation; we respect the buffalo as a relative. This work expands upon a continued conversation in my practice which acknowledges the violence enacted onto the Buffalo Nation for colonial agendas while also celebrating the bison’s resilience and in turn our own as Indigenous people. I hope this series may empower Indigenous people and practices as central to global futures and to reflect a future space where we once again live in reverence and respect for our more than human kinships.
Midéegaadi is a part of the speculative fiction series, Future Ancestral Technologies. This ongoing project looks to customary practices in order to move culture forward. It actively incorporates science fiction theory, storytelling, Indigenous technologies, contemporary materials and the detritus of capitalism to present time-bending landscapes and to prototype new myths.

Cannupa Hanska Luger, 2022
Mixed media regalia made of repurposed materials, single channel looped videos, sound installation